
Bold = Long Lab student

Last author is senior author (PI)

* Equal contribution as lead or senior author


Meronk, S.E., and R.A. Long. 2025. Effects of herbivory on shrub performance in a managed forest. Forest Ecology and Management: In review.

Huggler, K.S., R.A. Smiley, B.L. Wagner, A.B. Courtemanch, Z. Gregory, D. Lutz, K.L. Monteith, L.A. Shipley, C. Stewart, P. Wik, E.F. Cassirer, and R.A. Long. 2025. Causes and consequences of life-history variation in a long-lived mammal. Wildlife Monographs: In revision.

Wiseman, M.A., K.L. Monteith, and R.A. Long. 2025. Causes and consequences of individual variation: linking state-dependent life histories to population performance. Ecosphere: In press.

Hellesto, R.A., L.A. Shipley, and R.A. Long. 2025. Seasonal resource selection and migration of mule deer in an agricultural landscape. Journal of Wildlife Management: In press.

Robatcek, S.L., L.A. Shipley, C. White, and R.A. Long. 2025. Using dynamic foodscape models to assess bottom-up constraints on population performance of herbivores. Ecological Applications: In press.

Van Driessche, J.A., S. Chamaillé-Jammes, C.M. Nutter, A.B. Potter, R.M. Pringle, and R.A. Long. 2025. Water economics of African savanna herbivores: how much does plant moisture matter? Journal of Animal Ecology 00:1-12.

Bilodeau-Hussey, N.M., K.S. Huggler, E.F. Cassirer, H. Miyasaki, M.A. Hurley, L.A. Shipley, and R.A. Long. 2025. Effects of maternal condition, disease status, and behavior on survival of juvenile bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management: e22721.

Lopez, K.K., K.S. Huggler, D.H. Jackson, L.A. Shipley, and R.A. Long.  2025.  Linking summer nutrition to behavior and performance of black-tailed deer.  Journal of Wildlife Management 89:e22679.


Forrester, T.D., D.B. Spitz, J.L. Merems, M.J. Wisdom, M.M. Rowland, B.K. Johnson, J.B. Smith, T. Levi, R.A. Long, and D.A. Clark.  2024.  Mule deer selection of fuel reductions is restricted by site fidelity and structured by circadian and seasonal patterns.  Forest Ecology and Management 569:122005.


Walker, R.H., M.C. Hutchinson, J.A. Becker, J.H. Daskin, K.M. Gaynor, M.S. Palmer, D.D. Gonçalves, M.E. Stalmans, J. Denlinger, P. Bouley, M. Angela, A. Paulo, A.B. Potter, N. Arumoogum, F. Parrini, J. Marshal, R.M. Pringle*, and R.A. Long*.  2023.  Trait-based sensitivity of large mammals to a catastrophic tropical cyclone.  Nature 623:757-764.

Tucker, M.A., and 173 co-authors.  2023.  Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns.  Science 380:1059-1064 (Cover Article).

Pringle, R.M, J.O. Abraham, T.M. Anderson, T.C. Coverdale, A.B. Davies, C.L. Dutton, A. Gaylard, J.R. Goheen, R.M. Holdo, M.C. Hutchinson, D.M. Kimuyu, R.A. Long, A.L. Subalusky, and M.P. Veldhuis.  2023.  Impacts of large herbivores on terrestrial ecosystems.  Current Biology 33:R584-R610.

Verzuh, T.L., S.A. Rogers, P.D. Mathewson, A. May, W.P. Porter, C. Class, L. Knox, T. Cufaude, L.E. Hall, R.A. Long, and K.L. Monteith. 2023. Behavioral responses of a large, heat-sensitive mammal to climatic variation at multiple spatial scales. Journal of Animal Ecology 92:619-634.

Walker, R.H., M.C. Hutchinson, A.B. Potter, J.A. Becker, R.A. Long*, and R.M. Pringle*. 2023. Mechanisms of individual variation in large herbivore diets: roles of spatial heterogeneity and state-dependent foraging. Ecology 104(2):e3921.

Daskin, J.H., J.A. Becker, T.R. Kartzinel, A.B. Potter, R.H. Walker, F.A.A. Eriksson, C. Buoncore, A. Getraer, R.A. Long*, and R.M. Pringle*. 2023. Allometry of behavior and niche differentiation among congeneric African antelopes. Ecological Monographs 93(1):e1549 (Cover Article).


Cook, R.C., L.A. Shipley, J.G. Cook, M.J. Camp, D.S. Monzingo, S.L. Robatcek, S.L. Berry, I.T. Hull, W.L. Myers, K. Denryter, and R.A. Long. 2022. Sequential detergent fiber assay results used for nutritional ecology research: evidence of bias since 2012. Wildlife Society Bulletin 46(4):e1348.

Pansu, J., M.C. Hutchinson, T.M. Anderson, M. te Beest, C.M. Begg, K.S. Begg, A. Bonin, L. Chama, S. Chamaille-Jammes, E. Coissac, J.P.G.M. Cromsight, M.Y. Demmel, J.E. Donaldson, J.A. Guyton, C. Hansen, C.I. Imakando, A. Iqbal, D.F. Kalima, G.I.H. Kerley, S. Kurukura, M. Landman, R.A. Long, I.N. Munuo, C.M. Nutter, C.L. Parr, A.B. Potter, S. Siachoono, P. Taberlet, E. Waiti, T.R. Kartzinel, and R.M. Pringle. 2022. The generality of cryptic dietary niche differences in diverse large-herbivore assemblages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119:e2204400119 (Cover Article).

Potter, A.B., M.C. Hutchinson, J. Pansu, B. Wursten, R.A. Long, J.M. Levine, and R.M. Pringle. 2022. Mechanisms of dietary resource partitioning in large-herbivore assemblages: a plant-trait-based approach. Journal of Ecology 110:817-832.


Campbell-Staton*, S.C., R.H. Walker*, S.A. Rogers*, J. De Leon, H. Landecker, W.P. Porter, P.D. Mathewson, and R.A. Long. 2021. Physiological costs of undocumented human migration across the southern United States border. Science 374:1496-1500.

Campbell-Staton*, S.C., B.J. Arnold*, D. Gonçalves, P. Granli, J. Poole, R.A. Long, and R.M. Pringle. 2021. Ivory poaching and the rapid evolution of tusklessness in African elephants. Science 374:483-487.

Becker, J.A., M.C. Hutchinson, A.B. Potter, S. Park, J.A. Guyton, K. Abernathy, V.F. Americo, A.G. da Conceiçāo, T.R. Kartzinel, L. Kuziel, N.E. Leonard, E. Lorenzi, N.C. Martins, J. Pansu, W.L. Scott, M.K. Stahl, K.R. Torrens, M.E. Stalmans, R.A. Long, and R.M. Pringle.  2021.  Ecological and behavioral mechanisms of density-dependent habitat expansion in a recovering African ungulate population.  Ecological Monographs 91(4):e01476 (Cover Article).

Jennewein, J.S., J.U.H. Eitel, K. Joly, R.A. Long, A.J. Maguire, L.A. Vierling, and W. Weygint. 2021. Estimating integrated measures of forage quality for herbivores by fusing optical and structural remote sensing data. Environmental Research Letters 16:075006.

Rogers, S.A., C.T. Robbins, P.D. Mathewson, A.M. Carnahan, F.T. van Manen, M.A. Haroldson, W.P. Porter, T.R. Rogers, T. Soule, and R.A. Long. 2021. Thermal constraints on energy balance, behavior, and spatial distribution of grizzly bears. Functional Ecology 35:398-410 (Cover Article).


Russell, M., J.M. Cartwright, G.H. Collins, R.A. Long, and J.H. Eitel. 2020. Legacy effects of hydrologic alteration in playa wetland responses to droughts. Wetlands 40:2011-2024.

Maguire, A.J., J.U.H. Eitel, K.L. Griffin, T.S. Magney, R.A. Long, L.A. Vierling, S.C. Schmiege, J.S. Jennewein, W.A. Weygint, N.T. Boelman, and S.G. Bruner. 2020. On the functional relationship between fluorescence and photochemical yields in complex evergreen needleleaf canopies. Geophysical Research Letters 46:e2020GL087858.

Merems, J.L., L.A. Shipley, T. Levi, J. Ruprecht, D.A. Clark, M.J. Wisdom, N.J. Jackson, K.M. Stewart, and R.A. Long. 2020. Nutritional-landscape models link habitat use to condition of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:98.

Branco, P.S., J.A. Merkle, R.M. Pringle, L. King, T. Tindall, M. Stalmans, and R.A. Long. 2020. An experimental test of community-based strategies for mitigating human-wildlife conflict around protected areas. Conservation Letters 13(1):e12679.


LaSharr, T., R.A. Long, J. Heffelfinger, V. Bleich, P. Krausman, R.T. Bowyer, J. Shannon, E. Rominger, C. Lehman, M. Cox, and K.L. Monteith.  2019.  Biological relevance of antler, horn, and pronghorn size in records programs.  Journal of Mammalogy 100:1447-1458 (Cover Article).

LaSharr, T., R.A. Long, J. Heffelfinger, V. Bleich, P.R. Krausman, R.T. Bowyer, J.M. Shannon, R.W. Klaver, C.E. Brewer, M. Cox, A.A. Holland, A. Hubbs, C.P. Lehman, J.D. Muir, B. Sterling, and K.L. Monteith. 2019. Hunting and mountain sheep: do current harvest practices affect horn growth? Evolutionary Applications 12:1823-1836.

Berry, S.L., L.A. Shipley, R.A. Long, and C. Loggers.  2019.  Differences in dietary niche and foraging behavior of sympatric mule and white-tailed deer.  Ecosphere 10(7):e02815.

Schrempp, T.V., J.L. Rachlow, T.R. Johnson, L.A. Shipley, R.A. Long, J.L. Aycrigg, and M.A. Hurley.  2019.  Linking forest management to moose population trends: the role of the nutritional landscape.  PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219128.

Branco, P.S., J.A. Merkle, R.M. Pringle, J. Pansu, A.B. Potter, A. Reynolds, M. Stalmans, and R.A. Long. 2019. Determinants of elephant foraging behavior in a coupled human-natural system: is brown the new green? Journal of Animal Ecology 88:780-792.

Atkins, J.L., R.A. Long, J. Pansu, J.H. Daskin, A.B. Potter, M. Stalmans, C.E. Tarnita, and R.M. Pringle. 2019. Cascading impacts of large-carnivore extirpation in an African savanna. Science 364:173-177.


Gaynor, K.M., P.S. Branco, J.S. Brashares, D. D'Emile, P. Granli, R.A. Long, and J. Poole.  2018.  Effects of human settlement and roads on diel activity patterns of elephants (Loxodonta africana).  African Journal of Ecology 56:872-881.

Spitz, D., D.A. Clark, M.J. Wisdom, M. Rowland, B. Johnson, R.A. Long, and T. Levi. 2018.  Fire history influences large-herbivore behavior at circadian, seasonal, and successional scales.  Ecological Applications 28:2082-2091.

Monteith, K.L., R.A. Long, T.R. Stephenson, V.C. Bleich, R.T. Bowyer, and T.N. LaSharr.  2018.  Horn size and nutrition in mountain sheep: can ewe handle the truth?  Journal of Wildlife Management 82:67-84.


Long, R.A., A. Wambua, J.R. Goheen, T.M. Palmer, and R.M. Pringle.  2017.  Climatic variation modulates the indirect effects of large herbivores on small-mammal habitat use. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:739-748.

Tarnita, C.E., J.A. Bonachela, E. Sheffer, J.A. Guyton, T.C. Coverdale, R.A. Long, and R.M. Pringle.  2017.  A theoretical foundation for multi-scale regular vegetation patterns.  Nature 541:398-401(Cover Article).


Long, R.A., R.T. Bowyer, W.P. Porter, P. Mathewson, K.L. Monteith, S.L. Findholt, B.L. Dick, and J.G. Kie.  2016.  Linking habitat selection to fitness-related traits in herbivores: the role of the energy landscape.  Oecologia 181:709-720.


Seidler, R.G., R.A. Long, J. Berger, S. Bergen, and J.P. Beckmann.  2015.  Identifying impediments to long-distance mammal migrations.  Conservation Biology 29:99-109.

2014 and earlier

Long, R.A., R.T. Bowyer, W.P. Porter, P. Mathewson, K.L. Monteith, and J.G. Kie.  2014.  Behavior and nutritional condition buffer a large-bodied endotherm against direct and indirect effects of climate.  Ecological Monographs 84:513-532.

Monteith, K.L., R.A. Long, V.C. Bleich, J.R. Heffelfinger, P.R. Krausman, and R.T. Bowyer.  2013.  Effects of harvest, culture, and climate on trends in size of horn-like structures in trophy ungulates.  Wildlife Monographs 183.

Lendrum, P.E., C.R. Anderson, Jr., R.A. Long, J.G. Kie, and R.T. Bowyer.  2012.  Habitat selection by mule deer during migration: effects of landscape structure and natural-gas development.  Ecosphere 3:art82.

Anderson, E.D., R.A. Long, M.P. Atwood, J.G. Kie, T.R. Thomas, P. Zager, and R.T. Bowyer.  2012.  Winter resource selection by female mule deer Odocoileus hemionus: functional response to spatiotemporal changes in habitat.  Wildlife Biology 18:153-163.

Aho, K.A., R.A. Long, J.G. Kie, and R.T. Bowyer.  2010.  A new index for measuring perpendicularity of animal movements in relation to patch boundaries.  Ecological Modelling 221:2003-2007.

Long, R.A., J.G. Kie, R.T. Bowyer, and M.A. Hurley.  2009.  Resource selection and movements by female mule deer: effects of reproductive stage.  Wildlife Biology 15:288-298.

Long, R.A., J.L. Rachlow, and J.G. Kie.  2009.  Sex-specific responses of North American elk to habitat manipulation.  Journal of Mammalogy 90:423-432.

Long, R.A., J.D. Muir, J.L. Rachlow, and J.G. Kie.  2009.  A comparison of two modeling approaches for evaluating wildlife-habitat relationships.  Journal of Wildlife Management 73:294-302.

Long, R.A., J.L. Rachlow, and J.G. Kie.  2008.  Effects of season and scale on response of elk and mule deer to habitat manipulation.  Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1133-1142.

Long, R.A., J.L. Rachlow, J.G. Kie, and M. Vavra.  2008.  Fuels reduction in a western coniferous forest: effects on quantity and quality of forage for elk.  Rangeland Ecology and Management 61:302-313.

Long, R.A., R.A. Hut, and B.M. Barnes.  2007.  Simultaneous collection of body temperature and activity data in burrowing mammals: a new technique.  Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1375-1379.

Long, R.A., T.J. Martin, and B.M. Barnes.  2005.  Body temperature and activity patterns in free-living arctic ground squirrels.  Journal of Mammalogy 86:314-322.